Coexisting With Covid-19

August 10, 2020

As our team is consistently monitoring the news and updates regarding COVID-19 cases, our office will continue to keep our top priority in place: keeping our patients and staff safe and healthy. Check out our video below to see how we are coexisting with COVID-19 and what to expect at your next appointment. 

Coexisting with COVID-19

In our previous blog post, Our Response to COVID-19, we explained how our office will continue operating under these new circumstances. Upon the reality of coexisting with COVID-19, we also encourage everyone to adapt some new practices to help reduce the spread of the virus. Before a vaccine becomes available, we will have to work together to keep our community safe. Three main strategies have been proven to greatly reduce risk: social distancing, wearing a mask, and washing hands frequently. We ask that everyone practice these strategies constantly and consistently. 

In our office, we are enforcing not only these three strategies, but we have also implemented the following safety protocols: 

  • Face Masks: Prior to entering the office, all patients must wear a face mask. When instructed to do so, patients may remove their face masks and place them in a new ziploc bag. Masks will only be touched by the patient. 
  • Limiting Footraffic: We ask that adults come unaccompanied to their appointments. If the patient is a minor, one (1) parent or guardian may accompany them. 
  • Hypochlorous Acid: We are fogging our office with hypochlorous acid 2-3 times a day. Each operatory and any commonly touched surfaces are sprayed and disinfected between each appointment. Hypochlorous acid is a very effective and safe disinfectant.
  • Going Paperless: All forms are now available on our website. If you need a receipt or statement, our front office staff would be happy to email a digital copy to you. 
  • Payment: We are encouraging contactless payments whenever possible. We accept Apple or Google Pay, all credit cards with NFC chips, and are happy to collect payments over the phone.

Because we are unable to completely eliminate the virus at this time, we must learn to coexist with COVID-19.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone at (925) 828-5500 or by email at [email protected]. We are more than happy to help!

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