After your dental checkup, sometimes a dental treatment plan is presented to you in regards to what your next steps should be to help your smile. Some of those dental recommendations can be about composite fillings. But what is a composite filling?
Composite fillings are usually recommended when your teeth have been decayed or damaged, and it is also used to replace broken teeth. It is tooth colored, so it can best match your teeth and look as natural as possible.
The resin used for the fillings provides good durability and resistance to fracture and can handle pressure from the constant stress of chewing. Most composite fillings last about 5- 7 years, sometimes replacements are needed but not all the time. This depends on the natural wear and tear of your teeth depending on your dental hygiene and as well as what you eat or drink.
This is the recommendation over an amalgam filling, also known as the silver teeth, some of us may have had as kids. Amalgam fillings may contain mercury, which is not something we would want in our body at all. Amalgam fillings have not been the standard for a while now and we are glad that technology as improved over the years to help educate and enhance dentistry.
Of course, the best filling is no filling at all, so remember that prevention is key. Keep up with your dental hygiene and get your bi annual dental check ups to get cleanings and dental advice on what is best for your smile.